Hide it? Why should I hide it? It has a cool translucent case and all of those blinky leds. I love watching that thing!
One word: Accuracy
The easiest and most effective way to reduce variability and improve accuracy with your g-Analyst is to properly mount it. Traditional accelerometer-based testing units have been mounted either on the dash of the vehicle or the windshield. Why? Convenience (not accuracy).
The user was required to interact with the test tool to operate it, so that's where it went. The g-Analyst uses Bluetooth technology and can be mounted 'properly.' What is 'properly?' Take a look at this illustration below...
As you can see, there can be significant rotation about the center of gravity. What this means is that the farther the g-Analyst is placed from the vehicle center of gravity, the more susceptible it is to measurement error due to centrifugal forces. In other words...less accurate.
Where should you hide mount your g-Analyst? We have found the center console of most vehicles to be ideal. Open the console and mount the g-Analyst to the bottom using Velcro, like this...
Your testing variability and accuracy will be greatly improved.
(What's that 'thing' under the g-Analyst? I'll accept your guesses via email :-) )